Asset 1

Each kid has their hidden uniqueness, so what can HEYO do to unlock and apply them every day, and to make kids happy every time they made it. We will always be their friends in giving energy of inspiration.

Asset 3

Kids will learn how to bring what they have learnt to apply building their toys creatively, and have a chance to design their real artworks and games to see whether they are as like what they have thought or not.

Asset 4

Should little and grown-up kids choose which one they would like to do when there is a new way to practice Science and Art together. They always learn to apply these two things even how much they have grown up. Science teaches us how to solve problems, but Art takes us from old conceptual framework. The creative Art leads us to a better way in solving problems and these two things should be used together when we work as we always apply logic we have learnt to solve with several kinds of problems.

Asset 5

Kids will practice how to catch up the topic and extend it reasonably, as well as learning how to present their ideas easily.

Asset 2


an 8 years old boy with leadership who likes to search for inspiration from fun learning, playing, and using imagination to create new things


a 10 years old girl who likes to learn and challenge in applying Art from surroundings, with imaginations, dreams, and try to make it real too


an amazing toy and kids’ favorite friend who always give strength even when they cry or laugh, HEYO always willing to be by their side and build up inspiration. Without her, surely kids would laugh less

“Creative is a Key”
Our goal is to cultivate a sustainable ‘CREATIVE’ mindset in children through the principles of Design Thinking.
We aim to nurture their ability to Conclude ideas effectively, Recreate and innovate, and Explore new possibilities.
By guiding them to Apply Art in creative ways and develop a strong sense of Identity, we empower them to visualize their ideas and plan with Elaboration.
This holistic approach ensures that children grow into versatile innovators, capable of applying their creativity and design thinking skills in all areas of life.

Thank you to all these institutes who sees the value in our activities and gave us a chance
to bring all these values to kids through Work Shop, After School Project, and special events as follows: